tandfonline.com – Participatory research approaches in mining-impacted hydrosocial systems

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT As demonstrated by Indigenous and rural scholars, participatory research approaches can facilitate capacity building, promote data accessibility, and accomplish community goals within complex hydrosocial systems. To demonstrate challenges and opportunities for participatory research, we describe hydrosocial territories in a mining-impact region in northern Idaho. We then compare two community-university partnerships in the study region, which included Tribal and non-Tribal rural communities. We find that the Participatory Action Research and Indigenous Research Methodologies frameworks provide a robust set of practices and methods for conducting more equitable and inclusive research. Further, participatory research approaches in research involving mining-impacted hydrosocial systems should: (1) build from established programs, goals, and practices; (2) identify respectful levels of partnership engagement, and (3) recognize partnership… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Formative Scaffolding: how to alter the level and strength of self-efficacy and foster self-regulation in a mathematics test situation

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of the present study is to advocate the use of a participatory action research programme, the Formative Scaffolding Programme (FSP), in mathematics. The FSP’s main structure is presented as well as an implementation of a class intervention, with the aim of exploring the FSP test cycle’s virtues in a social science class in a Swedish upper-secondary school. The motivations for the FSP’s development were to enhance students’ awareness of their mathematical proficiency, alter the level and strength of their self-efficacy, foster self-regulated learning (SRL), reduce and prevent mathematics-related anxiety, and visualise the learning process in mathematics. The primary findings of the study were there was a resemblance between the FSP setting and SRL phases, and that participation… Continue Reading