tandfonline.com – We Cannot Always Be at Sixes and Sevens! – a Study of Teachers’ Experiences of Systematic quality work

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of the present study is to investigate how the concept of systematic quality work is perceived by school teachers. Eleven interviews were conducted and analysed according to the phenomenographical method, inspired by qualitative content analysis. Five qualitatively different descriptive categories were identified: (i) tools for implementation, (ii) tools for planning for quality assurance, (iii) tools for control, (iv) tools for indirect governance, and (v) tools for learning. These descriptive categories fall under two overarching themes: (i) operations directed towards efficiency and (ii) operations directed towards school development. The former is linked to rational terms such as achieving the school-system’s learning outcomes, whilst the latter is linked to the school-system’s more overarching relational- and democratic goals. The… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Using Visual Representations to Enhance Students’ Understanding of Causal Relationships in Price

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study investigates how different visual representations of price facilitate learning in upper secondary social science education. Three lessons on pricing were given to four classes (n = 94 students). Two classes had lessons based on graphs and two on a causal loop diagram. Written pre- and post-test answers were analysed phenomenographically and results arising from the two visual representations were compared. Results suggested that a causal loop diagram facilitated a more complex way of understanding the causal relationships in pricing than the graph. The traditional way of introducing price, through the use of supply/demand graphs, is thereby problematised. The study extends knowledge by identifying a synergy between phenomenography and research on visual representations and has specific implications for teaching… Continue Reading