tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Evidence indicates that children’s personalities shape their interactions and relationships with others. This study aims to identify the relationship between child personality types and interaction quality in preschools, which is of high predictive importance for the development of children’s competencies. Interaction quality was determined using the Individualized Classroom Assessment Scoring System (inCLASS) in a sample of 181 children attending 61 preschools in Austria. After including control variables, our results indicated that children characterised as ‘overcontrollers’ and ‘undercontrollers’ had significantly less peer interactions, compared to ‘resilients’. Furthermore, ‘undercontrollers’ tended to show less task orientation than ‘resilients’ and had more conflict interactions than ‘overcontrollers’. Consideration of child personality offers opportunities to support children in their interactions with others to improve… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study explores preschool teachers’ considerations when organising children into subgroups in Swedish preschools. Grounded on interactionist perspectives and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, the study hypothesises that preschool teachers’ practice of organising children into subgroups is embedded in and shaped through dynamic interactions with all actors and levels of the entire preschool system. Based on this theoretical framework, a hypothetical model has been specified that brings together variables related to children’s characteristics, preschool teachers’ interpersonal relationships and working conditions as well as preschools’ organisational aspects. The sample consists of 698 preschool teachers from different preschools in 46 municipalities in Sweden who completed an online questionnaire. By applying Confirmatory Factor Analysis technique in evaluating the hypothesised model, the study’s… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Swedish preschools are supposed to be non-confessional. At the same time, they are supposed to pass on a cultural heritage of a nation where the Lutheran Church has permeated society for centuries. Based on a study of traditions and religion in Swedish preschools, this article describes and discusses how preschools work with religion as an aspect of cultural heritage and as regularly occurring activities and themes during the preschool year. The empirical data consist of a survey about traditions in preschools, video ethnography in two preschools, and group interviews with preschool staff. The article centres around the question of how a cultural heritage is passed on without simultaneously passing on religion. Although the data show that all preschools… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this study, Activity Theory (AT) is used to analyse general patterns for how cultural and historical factors interact with the shaping of science activities in preschools. Data was produced from field notes, video observations, video stimulated recall group discussions and individual interviews with preschool teachers at fourteen preschool units, where science activities were described as a common feature of the practice. Two factors were found to be particularly important for how and whether science learning opportunities were afforded the children: the structure of the preschool community and the type of educational culture within it. In communities characterised by weak mutual commitment and without joint understanding of the purpose of the activities, the science learning objects of the… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate how the heads of preschool govern teaching in practice through systematic quality work. In the new Swedish Education Act, which came into force on 1 July 2011, the mission of preschools changed because teaching was introduced as a new concept, and preschool teachers were now responsible for teaching. Swedish National Agency for Inspection report that there is a lack of how the concept of teaching is used in preschools. Heads of preschool are crucial for implementing teaching, and a valuable tool for their governing is the systematic quality work which they also are responsible for. This study collected data comprising 120 systematic quality reports from preschools in Sweden, and by… Continue Reading →
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