Eric.ed.gov – Diagnostic Learning Progressions Framework: Developing an Embedded Formative and Summative Assessment System to Improve Learning Outcomes for Elementary and Middle School Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In collaboration with two other research organizations, the authors integrate principles of the BEAR Assessment System with Universal Design for Learning principles to develop and validate learning progressions and an aligned, universally designed formative and summative classroom assessment system for promoting conceptual understanding of number sense/operations for students with Math Learning Disabilities (MLD). This research will help to create an effective and validated formative assessment system for meaningfully and validly diagnosing and promoting student learning outcomes on constructs central to number sense and operations for whole numbers up to and including elementary fractions. The assessment system will offer a powerful tool that will provide teachers cutting edge research and empirically based resources for validly monitoring student knowledge and progress, meaningfully interpreting evidence about student learning from formative… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mathvision: A Mobile Video Application for Math Teacher Noticing of Learning Progressions

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We report on the development and evaluation of MathVision, a mobile-application designed to develop Virtual Professional Learning Communities through asynchronous discussion about 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students’ mathematical thinking. MathVision allows teachers to upload videos of problems solving sessions using Cognition Based Assessment tasks and foster discussion aligning those strategies to research-based learning progressions for Length and Measurement. Our findings indicate that while it was possible to develop such an interface, sparking productive online discussion was difficult. The application served as a tool for enhancing physical teacher meetings and drawing attention to student thinking consistent with conducting task-based interviews, rather than actually facilitating this talk entirely. [For complete proceedings, see ED581294.] Link til kilde