tandfonline.com – Migration background and the measurement of home-based parental involvement in education: a psychometric evaluation of two self-report questionnaires

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Home-based parental involvement in early education is linked to beneficial outcomes in children’s development and may redress unequal educational outcomes associated with family background. The type of educational activities at home and the way parents provide their support may differ across parents with and without a migration background. It is unclear whether home-based parental involvement is measured as the same construct across different origin groups. In this study, the psychometric properties of two parent-report questionnaires on home-based parental involvement were evaluated in 131 Dutch mothers of kindergarten-aged children, of whom 47% had a migration background. The dimensional structure of both questionnaires was tested with Principal Component Analysis. Multi-group confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to test for measurement invariance… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – How inclusive are the teaching practices of my German, Maths and English teachers? – psychometric properties of a newly developed scale to assess personalisation and differentiation in teaching practices

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Within the current policy and legislative context of educating students with and without special educational needs (SEN) together in one classroom, the question that is frequently raised by educators relates to how best to implement inclusion and meet the different needs of their students in class. It is also important to understand all students’ perceptions about being included in regular classrooms. Therefore, the study examined secondary school students’ perceptions about the use of inclusive teaching practices by their different subject teachers. The main objective was to report on the psychometric properties of a newly developed questionnaire measuring students’ perceptions about their teachers’ use of inclusive teaching practices. A total of 665 secondary grade students rated the use of… Continue Reading