tandfonline.com – Bridging Science Education’s Theory–Practice Divide: A Perspective from Teacher Education Through Topic-Specific PCK

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. The divide between theory and practice is an enduring challenge commonly attributed to disconnection in teacher knowledge between ‘knowing what to do’ (planning) and ‘doing what you know’ (enacting in class). We re-visited this divide from the new perspective of pedagogical content knowledge with the purpose of examining the ways in which topic-specific pedagogical content knowledge (TSPCK), evident in a planning-to-teach setting, translates in a classroom setting. Furthermore, we aimed to identify the factors that influence the translation. We… Continue Reading