tandfonline.com – Using video to support teachers’ reflective practice : A literature review

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Given the effort invested in workplace professional development programs, professional learning, as it takes place in context, should be examined closely to help inform the design of training mechanisms that will truly contribute to professional development. In particular, given the interest and growth in the use of video for the development of reflective practice among professionals, it appears relevant to further examine video-based mechanisms. Teacher education constitutes a fertile ground in this regard. This article thus presents a literature review on the use of video for the professional development of teachers, particularly regarding their ability to reflect on their own teaching practices. To this end, 89 articles were analyzed to bring out the participants’ learning, in terms of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Prompting teachers’ reflection of their professional knowledge. A proof-of-concept study of the Graphic Assessment of TPACK Instrument

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Many educational technology proponents support the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model as a way to conceptualize teaching with technology, but recent TPACK research shows a need for empirical studies regarding the development of this knowledge. This proof-of-concept study applies mixed-methods to investigate the meta-cognitive awareness produced by teachers who participate in the Graphic Assessment of TPACK Instrument (GATI). This process involves creating graphical representations (circles of differing sizes and the degree of their overlap) that represent what teachers understand to be their current and aspired TPACK. This study documented teachers’ explanations during a think-aloud procedure as they created their GATI figures. The in-depth data from two German teachers who participated in the process captured the details of… Continue Reading