Eric.ed.gov – Relating Teacher Candidate Performance to Their Students’ Subject Specific Academic Achievement Using TWS Methodology

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher education preparation programs are under pressure from the public to provide evidence that their programs and teacher candidates are improving student achievement. However, the connections between teacher education preparation programs, teacher candidates’ evaluation, and student achievement are often hard to disentangle from other educationally relevant effects. Teacher candidates were formally assessed by their university supervisor during their student teaching semester. Using Western Oregon University’s teacher work sample methodology, we were able to assess the achievement of the teacher candidate’s students. Results showed that students of teacher candidates’ showed 52% gains in knowledge of learning goals. Additionally, improvement in teacher candidate’s teaching ability as measured on an observation instrument was associated with higher gains by their students on the learning goals. Lastly, teacher candidates assessing their students’… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Does the Middle School Model Make a Difference? Relating Measures of School Effectiveness to Recommended Best Practices

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since the emergence of middle schools as distinct educational settings in the 1960s, proponents of the model have advocated for structures and approaches that best meet the particular developmental needs of young adolescents. Middle school researchers have developed frameworks of best practices for schools that have been widely, if not uniformly, adopted. However, there is a paucity of large-scale quantitative research on the efficacy of such best practices. In this study we used state-level administrative data from Texas to estimate the school-level contribution to standardized test scores in math and language arts, along with absenteeism. We then regressed these value-added quantities on indicators of middle school structures, along with research-supported predictors of school efficacy. Results showed that schools with fewer classes in the school day and higher… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Relating Math Words, Visual Images, and Math Symbols for Understanding and Competence

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper briefly overviews my research in supporting children to learn number concepts by relating number words, research-based visual supports, and math symbols. I first outline my approach to helping children build relationships between the use of concrete materials and the building of abstract concepts. I then focus on two crucial early aspects of building meanings for numbers: (1) understanding break-apart partners such as 5=3+2 that support addition and subtraction with small numbers and children’s moving on to Level 2 counting on and algebraic problem representations, and (2) the use of visual five-groups in understanding numbers 1–1000 and in drawings to support multi-digit computations. The research-based learning path of visual-spatio supports is shown and discussed for each topic,… Continue Reading