Eric.ed.gov – Routines in Expert Math Teachers’ Thoughts and Actions.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research was designed to elucidate the activity structures and routines of elementary mathematics teachers by describing what they are, analyzing their frequency and duration, analyzing the functions that routines serve for the cognitive processes of teachers, and beginning to model the chains of routines and their fit with planned or spontaneous actions that make up a lesson. Five “expert” teachers and four novice student teachers, along with their classes, comprised the sample. They were observed over a 3-1/2 month period, with note-taking, videotapes and transcribed interviews providing data. For each teacher, transcribed notes and interviews were analyzed and broken down into action records giving duration, action of student, action of teacher, and a name for the action. For two experts and one novice teacher, a more… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Visual Thinking Routines: A Mixed Methods Approach Applied to Student Teachers at the American University in Dubai

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Visual thinking routines are principles based on several theories, approaches, and strategies. Such routines promote thinking skills, call for collaboration and sharing of ideas, and above all, make thinking and learning visible. Visual thinking routines were implemented in the teaching methodology graduate course at the American University in Dubai. The following study used mixed methods. It was guided by two research questions: 1) To what extent did visual thinking routines implemented in the Math/Science methodology course offered at the Graduate School of Education at the American University in Dubai inspire learning in the classroom and made time for students’ questions, contributions, and thinking? 2) How do visual thinking routines inspire learning in the classroom and make time for students’ questions, contributions, and thinking? Eight student teachers enrolled… Continue Reading