tandfonline.com – Women and extra-academic social research in Sweden 1900–1950: A sociology of knowledge approach
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT How should we understand the academization of the social sciences around the turn of the twentieth century with regard to gender? In this article I argue in favour of a contextually broadened sociology of knowledge approach which highlights the importance of women’s extra-academic social research as a parallel and interconnected form of social knowledge to the new and male-dominated academic social sciences. Theoretically, the approach combines three perspectives: field theory, social movements research and historical studies of knowledge circulation. Empirically and methodologically, the study is prosopographically centred around nine female social researchers in Sweden 1900–1950 with an analytical focus on their aggregated career patterns, the gender-coded mechanisms of academic exclusion that were at play and three types of… Continue Reading