tandfonline.com – Stimulating language awareness in the foreign language classroom: exploring EFL teaching practices

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study reports on EFL teachers’ self-reported teaching practices aimed at stimulating students’ language awareness. It investigates whether, and to what extent, awareness-raising practices are currently implemented in EFL secondary education in the Netherlands, how these practices can be characterised, and how awareness-raising practices can be developed and further integrated into foreign language education. In a semi-structured interview, 10 teachers were asked to provide examples which they believed stimulated students’ awareness of language. A total of 41 teaching practices were collected. Analysis of teaching practices revealed that approximately half of all self-reported practices could be characterised as awareness-raising. These practices often integrated multiple topics, included authentic contexts, back-and-forth interaction and provided students with the opportunity to reflect on… Continue Reading