Eric.ed.gov – Is There Room in Math Reform for Preservice Teachers to Use Reading Strategies? National Implications

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Background: Research is proposed for preservice secondary mathematics teachers to develop and use reading strategies in math classrooms. Purpose: to determine if increased instruction on using specific reading strategies in secondary mathematics classrooms significantly impacts a) the type of reading-specific instructional strategies used, b) awareness of preservice math teachers of their roles as content reading teachers and understanding of reading issues as related to mathematics. Setting: University undergraduate content area reading course for preservice teachers; university undergraduate mathematics methods course for preservice secondary math teachers. Study Sample: all secondary preservice teachers enrolled in each course will participate. Intervention: The treatment course students will receive intensified reading training in the content area reading course as relates to mathematics. Additionally, specific reading strategies will be discussed in the math… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Empowering Teachers with Low-Intensity Strategies to Support Instruction: Within-Activity Choices in Third-Grade Math with Null Effects

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Instructional choice is a low-intensity strategy that can improve academic engagement. In this study, we investigated the effects of within-activity choices offered during math by third-grade teachers to participating students with behavioral and academic needs. We utilized a professional development model to train teachers to implement instructional choice in the classroom while collecting direct observation data on student’s academic engagement. Teachers were able to implement practices with high levels of integrity and collect momentary time sampling data on one student with high levels of reliability. Using a withdrawal design, we found no clear functional relation between instructional choice and increases in student’s academic engagement. However, some students demonstrated an increase in level upon the introduction of the intervention. Both teachers and students rated the intervention goals, procedures,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Is counting hindering learning? An investigation into children’s proficiency with simple addition and their flexibility with mental computation strategies

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT There is a growing awareness that many children are not developing fast and accurate retrieval-based strategies for solving single-digit addition problems. In this study we individually assessed 166 third and fourth grade children to identify a group of children (called accurate-min-counters) who frequently solved simple single-digit addition problems using a min-counting strategy and were accurate using it. We investigated if these children were adaptive when it came to using retrieval for simple addition and if they were disadvantaged when it came to demonstrating mental computational flexibility with multi-digit addition. We found accurate-min-counters represented over 30% of participants. These children were often incorrect when they were required to use retrieval for simple addition and were less flexible than most… Continue Reading


sciencedirect.com – Linking teachers’ solution strategies to their performance on fraction word problems

sciencedirect.com har udgivet: Highlights • Teachers’ written solutions to fraction multistep word problems were analyzed. • Teachers’ strategy and representations use moderately explained their solution correctness. • Teachers’ background characteristics accounted for little variance in solution correctness. • The use of informal strategies and representations were key to correct solutions. Abstract Examining teachers’ knowledge of fraction word problems is important in light of research demonstrating difficulties in both teaching and learning fractions and word problems involving fractions. This study examined fourth- and fifth-grade teachers’ (N = 350) written solutions to three fraction multistep word problems to unearth the salient factors contributive to performance on word problems. We found teachers’ strategies explain teachers’ success in solving word problems. In contrast, the characteristics of teachers’ backgrounds account for little variance in success in solving… Continue Reading