tandfonline.com – We Cannot Always Be at Sixes and Sevens! – a Study of Teachers’ Experiences of Systematic quality work

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of the present study is to investigate how the concept of systematic quality work is perceived by school teachers. Eleven interviews were conducted and analysed according to the phenomenographical method, inspired by qualitative content analysis. Five qualitatively different descriptive categories were identified: (i) tools for implementation, (ii) tools for planning for quality assurance, (iii) tools for control, (iv) tools for indirect governance, and (v) tools for learning. These descriptive categories fall under two overarching themes: (i) operations directed towards efficiency and (ii) operations directed towards school development. The former is linked to rational terms such as achieving the school-system’s learning outcomes, whilst the latter is linked to the school-system’s more overarching relational- and democratic goals. The… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teaching in preschool: heads of preschools governance throughout the systematic quality work

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate how the heads of preschool govern teaching in practice through systematic quality work. In the new Swedish Education Act, which came into force on 1 July 2011, the mission of preschools changed because teaching was introduced as a new concept, and preschool teachers were now responsible for teaching. Swedish National Agency for Inspection report that there is a lack of how the concept of teaching is used in preschools. Heads of preschool are crucial for implementing teaching, and a valuable tool for their governing is the systematic quality work which they also are responsible for. This study collected data comprising 120 systematic quality reports from preschools in Sweden, and by… Continue Reading