tandfonline.com – Statistical modeling in teacher education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to investigate prospective teachers’ learning in the statistical modeling process. To reach this goal, we position the study in a socio-critical perspective of modeling that informed the design of a statistical investigation. Participants were 10 prospective teachers from a state university in northwestern Colombia who were taking a methods course in statistics. They worked out a statistical investigation inspired by a news article on global warming. The main source of data was fragments from prospective teachers’ speech while working out the statistical investigation. The information was complemented with prospective teachers’ narratives in which they reflected on their experience with statistics. The results reveal that the prospective teachers’ discourse offers indications to suggest… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Moving from traditional to responsive mathematics classrooms: a proposition of an intervention model

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article discusses how mathematics didactics can be inspired by and further developed through responsive pedagogy, understood as feedback directed at self-regulation and self-efficacy, in mathematics teaching. The authors explain the rationale behind an intervention model for improving mathematics teachers’ feedback practices. The model is a developmental framework for intervention that is context dependent, rather than a fixed model for intervention. The overall aim with such an intervention is to establish a recursive feedback dialogue between teachers and students. Next, the backdrop for the participatory approach used in the development and implementation of such an intervention model is presented, emphasising the importance of researchers and teachers working closely together and engaging in mutual learning. The aim is to… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Learning from novice–expert interaction in teachers’ continuing professional development

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Novice–expert interaction plays an important role in teacher professional development for Chinese vocational education and training (VET). Both Chinese and international research shows that expert-teachers’ support is associated with the improvement of novice-teachers’ teaching. However, insights into how exactly novice teachers learn with the help of expert teachers are lacking. The learning processes of four novice VET teachers were explored in the context of a professional development project. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews with novice teachers and recordings of novice–expert interactions. A learning model was constructed based on the interconnected model of professional growth. The results showed that novice teachers internalised comments from expert teachers by active reflection and practice. Moreover, this study suggests that teachers’ professional… Continue Reading