tandfonline.com – An extended briefing and debriefing technique to enhance data quality in cross-national/language mixed-method research

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Mixed methods surveys using multilingual assistants in areas without clear pre-defined sampling units are often difficult to manage and unpredictable, thereby threatening data quality. More so when such surveys are executed in unfamiliar territories where cultural and language barriers prevent direct communication between the principal researcher and the respondents, and field assistants act as cultural/language brokers. This paper provides a method to enhance data quality in such contexts through a reflection on the research design and data collection experience in our study on flood damage mitigation processes among households and businesses in Kampala. Associated field challenges included different disciplinary and language skills levels of assistants, their multiple positionalities when translating concepts from the inquiry language to the source… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effectiveness of the Touch Math Technique in Teaching Addition Skills to Students with Intellectual Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness, generalizability, and the permanency of the instruction with the touch math technique. Direct instruction was used to the instruction of the basic summation skills of the students with mild intellectual disabilities. A multiple probe design across the subjects was used in this study. The participants included three students with mild intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms. They were second grader and their ages were 7-8 years old. The results of the study show that the use of touch math technique, based on direct instruction approach is effective in teaching the basic summation skills to the students with mild intellectual disabilities. The social validity results demonstrated that all the teachers have positive views towards the touch math technique and… Continue Reading