Eric.ed.gov – Where Teacher Education Students Agree: Beliefs Widely Shared before Teacher Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A survey of prospective teachers’ beliefs about teaching mathematics and writing to diverse learners was conducted for the purpose of improving teacher education programs. Respondents were 319 elementary education students, 71 prospective secondary math teachers, 52 prospective teachers of secondary English, 23 noneducation math majors, and 19 noneducation English majors. Although there is much diversity between and among the subjects, there were some areas of consensus. In answering questions about student diversity, the respondents did not endorse stereotypes about gender differences or differences in content appropriate for students from different family backgrounds. In responding to questions about what would be helpful in learning to teach, they gave the expected endorsement of experience, as well as high ratings for classes of questions about generic and subject-specific teaching methods.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Content, Predictive Power, and Potential Bias in Five Widely Used Teacher Observation Instruments. REL 2017-191

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: School districts and states across the Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic Region and the country as a whole have been modifying their teacher evaluation systems to identify more effective and less effective teachers and provide better feedback to improve instructional practice. The new systems typically include components related to student achievement growth and instruments for observing and rating instructional practice. Many school districts and states are considering adopting commercially available instruments for the instructional practice component of their evaluation systems. Yet little data are available to help districts and states choose among available instruments or determine which dimensions of instructional practice merit the greatest emphasis. Most existing data comparing different observation instruments, including their statistical characteristics and their relationship to student achievement, come from the Bill & Melinda… Continue Reading