Eric.ed.gov – Can Everyone Master Mathematics?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Twenty secondary math and science teachers from a large urban school district in Texas were recently asked: Why don’t English language learners succeed in school? Their answers included: students feel isolated because of language, students get mixed up with gangs, and students do not value education. This article compares student-attributed and school attributed explanations for the persistent failure of many students to develop mathematical thinking and offers alternatives for success. Educational practices, ingredients for success, and natural math are described. A list of math resources is included. [This document originally appeared in the “IDRA Newsletter”, however some accompanying charts and graphs may not be provided here.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Beyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Numerous studies document high drop-out and failure rates for students in computer programming classes. Studies show that even when some students pass programming classes, they still do not know how to program. Many factors have been considered to explain this problem including gender, age, prior programming experience, major, math background, personal attributes, and the programming language itself. Research in this area has mainly been confined to introductory programming courses. This study explores the problem at a higher level. It tracks students longitudinally as they move from the first introductory programming class, to the second introductory class, and finally, to completion of an advanced programming course. The research question answered was: What are the factors contributing to the success or lack of success in advanced programming? The success… Continue Reading