Eric.ed.gov – Creating Effective Video to Promote Student-Centered Teaching

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Training and investing teachers at all career levels in student-centered practices is widely recognized as a significant challenge. Various studies document the failure of student-centered teaching practices to take hold in K-12 mathematics classrooms in significant ways, including collaborative work; problems that are cognitively demanding or that encourage connections, inquiry-based approaches; teacher questioning to enhance student understanding; classroom-based performance assessments; and student choice. While pre-service math-teacher education is not solely to blame for this failure, it is also the case that pre-service training has been relatively unsuccessful at promoting nontraditional teaching practices in new mathematics teachers, in spite of the efforts and intentions of university-based teacher educators. Overcoming resistance to student-centered methods has been the author’s major challenge in teaching the secondary-level mathematics-methods course in her institution’s… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Conceptual and Practical Challenges of Taking Learning Trajectories to Scale in Middle School Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports on a design-based implementation study of the use of a diagnostic classroom assessment tool framed on learning trajectories (LTs) for middle grades mathematics, where teachers and students are provided immediate data on students’ progress along LTs. The study answers the question: “How can one characterize the challenges encountered when a school implements a diagnostic assessment system around learning trajectories at scale?” by identifying three explanatory themes: shifting to classroom assessment, understanding the concept and content of the LT, and seeing the results as a call to action. Each theme is discussed with references to observed activities and discussions with participants and related to the challenges connected with taking the concept of LTs to scale. [For the complete proceedings, see ED606556.] Link til kilde