Eric.ed.gov – The Use of Authentic Assessment to Report Accountability Data on Young Children’s Language, Literacy and Pre-Math Competency

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This validity study examined the validity of Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System, 2nd Edition (AEPS®), a curriculum-based, authentic assessment for infants and young children. The primary purposes were to: a) examine whether the AEPS® is a concurrently valid tool for measuring young children’s language, literacy and pre-math skills for accountability purpose and b) explore teachers’ perceptions on using authentic assessment and standardized tests. This was accomplished through implementing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings from the study indicated (a) the AEPS® is a concurrently valid (b) there were both advantages and disadvantages of using authentic assessment such as the AEPS® and using standardized tests based on teachers’ perceptions, however, the practical issues of using the authentic measure can be addressed by providing in-depth trainings to teachers and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Study of the Reliability of CCSS-Aligned Math Measures (2012 Research Version): Grades 6-8. Technical Report #1312

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this technical report, we describe the results of a study of mathematics items written to align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in grades 6-8. In each grade, CCSS items were organized into forms, and the reliability of these forms was evaluated along with an experimental form including items aligned with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Focal Point Standards. The purpose of the experimental measure was to evaluate how previously existing math items functioned empirically relative to the CCSS items. All included NCTM items were previously rated as linked with the CCSS. Analyses included Rasch modeling to explore the difficulty and functioning of both sets of items, classical reliability statistics (Cronbach’s alpha, testretest, and alternate form reliability) and two sets of Generalizability… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of a Multi-Component Intervention to Increase Math Performance for Students with EBD in Alternative Educational Settings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Historically, secondary students with emotional behavioral disorders (EBD) have made poor progress in mathematics putting them at risk for school failure and placement in an alternative setting. Two under studied areas essential to success in mathematics are fractions and algebra. The purpose of this study was to test the effects of a multi-component intervention on the math performance for middle school students with EBD in an alternative educational setting. This study used a one-group nonequivalent dependent variables design (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002) with multiple measures in multiple waves to assess the effects. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated that students significantly improved their math performance on both fractions and algebra using researcher developed measures. Social validity results indicated that teacher and students found the intervention to be an… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Modifying a Research-Based Problem-Solving Intervention to Improve the Problem-Solving Performance of Fifth and Sixth Graders with and without Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of the present study was to test the efficacy of a modified cognitive strategy instructional intervention originally developed to improve the mathematical problem solving of middle and high school students with learning disabilities (LD). Fifth and sixth grade general education mathematics teachers and their students of varying ability (i.e., average-achieving [AA] students, low-achieving [LA] students, and students with LD) participated in the research study. Several features of the intervention were modified, including (a) explicitness of instruction, (b) emphasis on meta-cognition, (c) focus on problem-solving prerequisites, (d) extended duration of initial intervention, and (e) addition of visual supports. General education math teachers taught all instructional sessions to their inclusive classrooms. Curriculum-based measures (CBMs) of math problem solving were administered five times over the course of the… Continue Reading