Eric.ed.gov – Targeted Teacher Recruitment: What Is the Issue and Why Does It Matter? Policy Snapshot

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Districts across the country are facing severe shortages of teachers–especially in certain subjects (math, science, special education, career and technical education, and bilingual education) and in specific schools (urban, rural, high-poverty, high-minority, and low-achieving). The severity of the teacher shortage problem varies significantly by state, district, school, and subject. As such, many experts argue that efforts to address shortages should be less about recruiting teachers generally and more about recruiting and retaining the right teachers, in the right subjects, for the right schools. Several states have recently enacted targeted teacher recruitment legislation in one or more of the following areas to attract teachers to high-need schools and subjects: research and data collection; state and district innovations; career pathways and grow-your-own programs; preparation and licensure; financial incentives; and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “I Was in Year 5 and I Failed Maths”: Identifying the Range and Causes of Maths Anxiety in First Year Pre-Service Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Mathematics anxiety affects primary pre-service teachers’ engagement with and future teaching of mathematics. The study aimed to assess the level and range of mathematics anxiety in first year pre-service teachers entering their teacher education course, and to investigate the sources of this anxiety as perceived and identified by them. Data collection methods included the RMARS survey, and Critical Incident Technique. The results indicate that the most common negative impacts on pre-service teacher mathematical self-concept involved experiences with teachers. However, their current mathematics anxiety is most commonly aroused under testing or evaluation situations. Link til kilde