Eric.ed.gov – Black Teachers’ Retention and Transfer Patterns in North Carolina: How Do Patterns Vary by Teacher Effectiveness, Subject, and School Conditions?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet:

Despite public interest and government action toward diversifying the teaching workforce in U.S. public schools, our knowledge about the retention and transfer patterns of Black teachers lacks specificity and clarity. In this study, I find that Black teachers’ annual retention rate was about 4 percentage points lower than that of White teachers in North Carolina elementary and secondary schools from 2004 to 2015. This Black-White teacher retention gap can largely be explained by Black teachers’ experience and education and the challenging school and community contexts in which these teachers worked. Compared with White teachers who had similar professional attributes and worked in similar school settings, Black teachers were more likely to stay in schools serving a larger proportion of Black students and to move to a school that served a higher proportion of Black students. The marginal probability of Black teachers’ retention received an additional boost with an increase in teachers’ observational ratings and math value-added scores. Stronger school leadership and higher-quality professional development predict a higher retention rate of more effective Black teachers.

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Troels Gannerup Christensen

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