Eric.ed.gov – Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) (15th, Assisi, Italy, June 29-July 4, 1991), Volume 2.

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Research reports from the annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education include: “A Comparison of Children’s Learning in Two Interactive Computer Environments” (Edwards); “On Building a Self-Confidence in Mathematics” (Eisenberg); “Classroom Discourse and Mathematics Learning” (Ellerton); “Constructivism, the Psychology of Learning, and the Nature of Mathematics” (Ernest); “Cognition, Affect, Context in Numerical Activity among Adults” (Evans); “Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge: The Case of Functions” (Even; Markovits); “Cognitive Tendencies and Abstraction Processes in Algebra Learning” (Filloy-Yague); “On Some Obstacles in Understanding Mathematical Texts” (Furinghetti; Paola); “Toward a Conceptual-Representational Analysis of the Exponential Function” (Goldin; Herscovics); “Duality, Ambiguity and Flexibility in Successful Mathematical Thinking” (Gray; Tall); “Children’s Word Problems Matching Multiplication and Division Calculations” (Greer; Mc Cann); “Children’s Verbal Communication in Problem Solving Activities” (Grevsmuhl); “The ‘Power’ of Additive Structure and Difficulties in Ratio Concept” (Grugnetti; Mureddu Torres); “Why Modeling? Pupils Interpretation of the Activity of Modeling in Mathematical Education” (Gortner; Vitale); “A Comparative Analysis of Two Ways of Assessing the van Hiele Levels of Thinking” (Gutierrez; Jaime; Shaughnessy; Burger); “A Procedural Analogy Theory: The Role of Concrete Embodiments in Teaching Mathematics” (Hell); “Variables Affecting Proportionality: Understanding of Physical Principles, Formation of Quantitative Relations, and Multiplicative Invariance” (Harel; Behr; Post; Hesh); “The Development of the Concept of Function by Preservice Secondary Teachers” (Harel; Dubinsky); “Monitoring Change in Metacognition” (Hartl); “The Use of Concept Maps to Explore Pupils’ Learning Processes in Primary School Mathematics” (Hasemann); “Adjusting Computer-Presented Problem-Solving Tasks in Arithmetic to Students’ Aptitudes” (Hativa; Pomeranz; Hershkovitz; Mechmandarov); “Computer-Based Groups as Vehicles for Learning Mathematics” (Heal; Pozzia; Hoyles); “Pre-algebraic Thinking: Range of Equations & Informal Solution Processes Used by Seventh Graders Prior to Any Instruction” (Herscovics; Linchevski); “LOCI and Visual Thinking” (Hershkowitz; Friedlander; Dreyfus);”Two-step Problems” (Hershkowitz; Nesher); “Evaluating Computer-Based Microworld: What Do Pupils Learn and Why?” (Hoyles; Sutherland; Noss); “Inner Form in the Expansion of Mathematical Knowledge of Multiplication” (Ito); “Some Implications of a Constructivist Philosophy for the Teacher of Mathematics” (Jaworski); “Teachers’ Conceptions of Math Education and the Foundations of Mathematics” (Jurdak); “Games and Language-Games: Towards a Socially Interactive Model for Learning Mathematics” (Kanes); “Translating Cognitively well-organized Information into a Formal Data Structure” (Kaput; Hancock); “A Procedural-Structural Perspective on Algebra Research” (Kieran); “Consequences of a Low Level of Acting and Reflecting in Geometry Learning–Findings of Interviews on the Concept of Angle” (Krainer); “The Analysis of Social Interaction in an ‘Interactive’ Computer Environment” (Krummheuer); “Can Children Use the Turtle Metaphor to Extend Their Learning to Include Non-intrinsic Geometry” (Kynigos); “Pre-schoolers, Problem Solving, and Mathematics” (Leder); “La fusee fraction. Une exploration inusitee des notions d’equivalence et d’ordre? (Lemerise; Cote); “Critical Incidents’ in Classroom Learning–Their Role in Developing Reflective Practice” (Lerman; Scott-Hodgetts); “Human Simulation of Computer Tutors: Lessons Learned in a Ten-Week Study of 20 Human Mathematics Teachers” (Lesh; Kelly); “Advanced Proportional Reasoning” (Lin); “Rules without Reasons as Processes without Objects–the Case of Equations and Inequalities” (Linchevski; Sfard); “Everyday Knowledge in Studies of Teaching and Learning Mathematics in School” (Lindenskov); “The Knowledge about Unity in Fractions Tasks of Prospective Elementary Teachers” (Llinares; Sanchez); “Describing Geometric Diagrams as a Stimulus for Group Discussions” (Lopez-Real); “Pupils’ Perceptions of Assessment Criteria in an Innovative Mathematics Project” (Love; Shiu); “Developing a Map of Children’s Conceptions of Angle” (Magina; Hoyles); “The Construction of Mathematical Knowledge by Individual Children Working in Groups” (Maher; Martino); “The Table as a Working Tool for Pupils and as a Means for Monitoring Their Thought Processes in Problems Involving the Transfer of Algorithms to the Computer” (Malara; Garuti); “Interrelations Between Different Levels of Didactic Analysis about Elementary Algebra” (Margolinas); and”Age Variant and Invariant Elements in the Solution of Unfolding Problems” (Mariotti). (MKR)

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Troels Gannerup Christensen

Jeg er ansat som lektor hos Læreruddannelsen i Jelling, hvor jeg underviser i matematik, specialiseringsmodulet teknologiforståelse, praktik m.m. Jeg har tidligere været ansat som pædagogisk konsulent i matematik og tysk hos UCL ved Center for Undervisningsmidler (CFU) i Vejle og lærer i udskolingen (7.-9. klasse) på Lyshøjskolen i Kolding. Jeg er ejer af og driver bl.a. hjemmesiderne www.lærklokken.dk og www.iundervisning.dk, ggbkursus.dk og er tidligere fagredaktør på matematik på emu.dk. Jeg går ind for, at læring skal være let tilgængelig og i størst mulig omfang gratis at benytte.

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