har udgivet:
Research for Action (RFA) has completed its second year of a five-year external evaluation of the Project Leadership and Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Initiative in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District (CMS). Project LIFT is a public-private partnership between CMS and the local philanthropic and business communities in Charlotte, designed to turn around nine schools in the West Charlotte Corridor. Starting in the 2012-13 school year, Project LIFT operates as a semi-autonomous Learning Community within CMS, providing the initiative with CMS infrastructural support and access to an initial $55 Million investment of private resources to drive a multifaceted reform effort in Charlotte’s highest poverty schools. Project LIFT’s long-term goals are to significantly improve student achievement in the following ways: 1) 90% of students will achieve proficiency in math and English across the Learning Community; 2) 90% of students will meet annual growth goals in math and English; and, 3) 90% of West Charlotte High School (WCHS) students will graduate on time. This Year Two Report provides a comprehensive analysis of the second year of the initiative, incorporating key highlights of Year Two implementation with a presentation of student behavioral and academic achievement outcomes for the 2013-14 school year. The following are appended: (1) 2013-14 Qualitative Data Sources; (2) Key Project LIFT Partners for 2013-14, by Focus Area; (3) End of Course (EOC) and End of Grade (EOG) Performance: 2011-12 to 2013-14; (4) End of Year Enrollment, Mobility, Attendance, Suspensions, and Early Warning Indicators of Dropout for LIFT Students; and (5) Methodology: Comparison School Selection, Predictive Modeling Methods, and Results. [For “Project LIFT: Year 1 Report,” see ED553140. For “Project LIFT: Year Three Student Outcomes Memo,” see ED570401.]