tandfonline.com – Cognitive acceleration in mathematics education: further evidence of impact

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The Cognitive Acceleration (or Let’s Think) approach to mathematics teaching is a Piagetian programme drawing on Vygotsky’s research, developed at King’s College London over 30 years ago, along with its associated professional development (PD) programme. This project sought to replicate the original studies conducted 10–15 years earlier and before much national curriculum change, through a professional development project with 41 teachers of children aged 6–12 from London in 2014. Results of pre- and post-test of mathematics attainment are reported for 232 students. Despite a shorter duration, data shows increased teacher efficacy, improved teaching and a mean gain equivalent to 2.6 months learning for benefitting students, which broadly mirrors cognitive effects of original trials with twice the duration. This… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Computer and Team Assisted Mathematical Acceleration (CATAMA) Lab for Urban, High-Poverty, High Minority Middle Grade Students. Final Report to the Institute of Education Sciences

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This project entailed a three-year efficacy evaluation of the Computer and Team Assisted Mathematical Acceleration (CATAMA) Lab developed by the Center for Social Organization of Schools at Johns Hopkins University. The CATAMA Lab was proposed as an immediate and practical approach to addressing the different types of math deficits held by students at urban high-poverty schools. The Lab required only 1 teacher per school reducing staff and professional development requirements. It used multiple instructional techniques (including individualized computer instruction, direct instruction, pair and team learning, and individual instruction) to teach math concepts and skills. By taking the place of an elective it allowed students to continue with their on-grade math class. For a more detailed description of the Lab see Appendix 2. The original goal of the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Acceleration and Compression in Developmental Mathematics: Faculty Viewpoints

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Community colleges are facing increased pressure to accelerate students through their developmental mathematics sequence. However, many individuals feel that some state legislatures and college leaders are frequently bypassing developmental math faculty expertise when implementing acceleration and compression initiatives. This qualitative study focuses on faculty viewpoints with regard to acceleration and compression in developmental math. Guiding this study was the research question: Based on faculty experience, what is the best fit for the practices of acceleration and compression in developmental mathematics? Data has been gathered using a structured interview format for six developmental math instructors, two at each of three community colleges. Findings from this study suggested that the practices of acceleration and compression are a proper fit for students who are comfortable with computer software. Incoming skill… Continue Reading