Eric.ed.gov – Measuring Student Success from a Developmental Mathematics Course at an Elite Public Institution

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper asks whether placement recommendations for a developmental math course at an elite public institution impact students’ future academic performance, course-taking, and college outcomes. Researchers use these specific outcomes to measure whether developmental courses help students develop the skills necessary to succeed in college, inspire them to take different courses, and help them graduate or persist in college. The study examines the ways in which instructor characteristics can drive these outcomes, and whether instruction at this university in a program for low-achieving students and particularly underprepared low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented minority students achieves its goal of reducing achievement gaps. This informs specific course and instructor policies to help underprepared students in their first semesters in college. The research setting is an elite public institution with a… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Introduction to the Special Issue “Comorbidities between Reading Disorders and Other Developmental Disorders”

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Investigating Meaning in Learning: A Case Study of Adult Developmental Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The objective of this article is to investigate meaning and relevance in the context of adult developmental math learning and instruction. In this case study, at the Art Institute of San Francisco, 12 vocational instructors and four math learners are interviewed on their early and current math experiences. During the semi-structured interviews, the adult math learners and vocational instructors reminisce on math in their learning and in their work. The interview transcripts are later analyzed for constructivist themes or codes. From instructor interviews, there appears to be a strong correlation between instructor views of meaning and learning and constructivist principles. There is a weaker correlation of these themes with the views of the adult learners, and there is evidence these developmental learners show signs of cognitive overload… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Latinas/os in Community College Developmental Education: Increasing Moments of Academic and Interpersonal Validation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This qualitative study examines the experiences of Latinas/os in community college English and math developmental education courses. Critical race theory in education and the theory of validation serve as guiding frameworks. The authors find that institutional agents provide academic validation by emphasizing high expectations, focusing on social identities, and improving academic skills. The authors conclude by conceptualizing a critical race validating pedagogy to implement among students who place in community college developmental education courses. [This Scholarly Paper was commissioned for the 9th Annual Conference of the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, 2014. Appendix A, “Levels and Descriptors of Developmental Education Math and English Courses at Case Study Site” is not included in the ERIC version of this report.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – What We Know about Developmental Education Outcomes. Research Overview

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Many recent high school graduates who enter community college are required to take remedial or developmental education courses before enrolling in college-level courses. Developmental courses essentially reteach high school- and junior high school-level content in reading, writing, and math. In some cases, students are referred to two or even three courses of developmental education in a single subject area. The annual cost of providing remediation to community college students nationwide has been estimated at approximately $7 billion. Only 28 percent of community college students who take a developmental education course go on to earn a degree within eight years, and many students assigned to developmental courses drop out before completing their sequence and enrolling in college-level courses. A number of rigorous studies have been undertaken to assess… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Acceleration and Compression in Developmental Mathematics: Faculty Viewpoints

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Community colleges are facing increased pressure to accelerate students through their developmental mathematics sequence. However, many individuals feel that some state legislatures and college leaders are frequently bypassing developmental math faculty expertise when implementing acceleration and compression initiatives. This qualitative study focuses on faculty viewpoints with regard to acceleration and compression in developmental math. Guiding this study was the research question: Based on faculty experience, what is the best fit for the practices of acceleration and compression in developmental mathematics? Data has been gathered using a structured interview format for six developmental math instructors, two at each of three community colleges. Findings from this study suggested that the practices of acceleration and compression are a proper fit for students who are comfortable with computer software. Incoming skill… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Towards an expanded cognitive developmental science understanding of human teaching / Hacia un conocimiento ampliado de la enseñanza humana basada en la ciencia del desarrollo cognitivo

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Towards an expanded cognitive developmental science understanding of human teaching / Hacia un conocimiento ampliado de la enseñanza humana basada en la ciencia del desarrollo cognitivo Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – The Things They Learned: Aspiration, Uncertainty, and Schooling in Rwanda’s Developmental State

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The role of formal education in the reproduction of inequalities is well documented. Less clear is how this lens can be applied to a study of post-conflict state-building. The present study pairs policy analysis with student-centred ethnographic fieldwork to examine education policy in Rwanda. Since the end of the genocide, the government has staked its claim to legitimacy in delivering inclusive development. Its basic education policy is an entitlement programme with broad public support and designed to allow all children to attend primary and secondary school. Students found themselves caught up in a web of contradictions with important symbolic and material dimensions. They went to schools designed to improve access for the poor. But they were also poor… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Content and Connections: Students’ Responses to a Hybrid Emporium Instructional Model in Developmental Mathematics. A CAPR Working Paper

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Innovation in instructional technology has contributed to the rapid implementation of technology-driven instructional platforms, particularly in developmental math coursework. Prior research has shown that instructional environment and classroom experience influence student development and outcomes. Consequently, when courses transition to technology-driven instruction, a logical concern on the part of faculty and administrators is the effect on the quality of the academic experience among students. Under a hybrid emporium model, students primarily receive instruction from a computer-based platform rather than from a faculty member delivering content in front of the classroom. This paper examines how students experience a newly adopted, hybrid emporium model for developmental math coursework. We conducted focus groups with students at six public colleges in Tennessee and find that students enrolled in hybrid emporium developmental math… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Comprehensive Developmental Education Reform in Florida: A Policy Implementation Typology

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study identified the policy perspectives of “street-level bureaucrats” in higher education (in this case, community college personnel) and linked them to a typology of 4 policy implementation patterns. The context for this qualitative study is state legislation in Florida (Florida Senate Bill 1720, 2013) that fundamentally reformed developmental education in the 28 state colleges (formerly community colleges) in the Florida College System (FCS). Study participants included 518 administrators, faculty, academic advisors, support staff, and students at 10 institutions in the FCS. The study employed Kluge’s (2000) 4-step methodology for deriving an empirically grounded qualitative typology. The 4 implementation patterns in the typology include oppositional, circumventing, satisficing, and facilitative implementation. Our study highlights implications for developmental education reform… Continue Reading