Eric.ed.gov – Strengthening Children’s Math Skills with Enhanced Instruction: The Impacts of Making Pre-K Count and High 5s on Kindergarten Outcomes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Early math skills are a strong predictor of later achievement for young children, not only in math, but in other domains as well. Exhibiting strong math skills in elementary school is predictive of later high school completion and college attendance. To that end, the Making Pre-K Count and High 5s studies set out to rigorously assess whether providing high-quality math instruction, aligned across prekindergarten (pre-K) and kindergarten, could lead to long-term gains across a variety of domains for students growing up in low-income communities in New York City. In Making Pre-K Count, pre-K programs were randomly assigned to receive an evidence-based early math curriculum (Building Blocks) and associated professional development or to a pre-K-as-usual control condition. Pre-K in New York City changed rapidly during the study, with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Making Pre-K Count: Improving Math Instruction in New York City

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the context of a persistent achievement lag among low-income children despite substantial investments in early education, policymakers and practitioners continue to seek ways to improve the quality of children’s preschool experiences. The Making Pre-K Count study addresses whether strengthening prekindergarten (pre-K) instruction in math, hypothesized to be a “linchpin” skill in children’s development, can improve children’s short- and longer-term learning. Specifically, the study rigorously evaluated the effect of an evidence-based math curriculum called Building Blocks along with ongoing training and in-classroom coaching, relative to the typical pre-K experience. Making Pre-K Count took place in 69 pre-K sites and over 170 classrooms across New York City. Thirty-five of the pre-K sites were assigned to receive the math curriculum, training, and coaching over two years (the “BB-MPC” group),… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Promoting spontaneous focusing on numerosity and cardinality-related skills at day care with one, two, how many and count, how many programs

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this study we investigated the effects of two naturalistic 2- to 4-year-old children’s intervention programs aimed at promoting children’s Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity (SFON) and early numerical skills. The study consisted of a quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest design with a delayed posttest and an active control group participating in the Let’s Read and Talk program. All conditions had 6 weeks of intensive training followed by a 4-month rehearsal phase, when intervention activities were integrated into normal day care. The results of both numerical interventions in the whole group level show positive, small- to medium-sized long-term effects on cardinality-related skills from pretest to delayed posttest. The SFON tendency increased more from pretest to posttest in both studies but the group differences… Continue Reading