tandfonline.com – What data do practitioners use and why? Evidence from Germany comparing schools in different contexts

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Poor performance in international student assessment has led to calls to enhance evidence-based practice in the German educational system. Yet indications about the extent to which German practitioners use data is limited, and little is known about factors influencing data-driven school improvement. Using data from three studies and comparing schools in different circumstances, we examined the perceived usefulness and the application of 13 different sources of information that can inform teachers’ and school leaders’ practice by means of standardised questionnaires. The results showed that practitioners attributed little usefulness to a standards-based reform and consequently hardly used these data. Instead, they claimed to prefer process-oriented information sources, such as student feedback. A comparison of the different samples indicated that… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Investigative modes in research on data use in education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article reports on the findings from a literature review of research on data use in education published in English, German and Scandinavian languages. The review is inspired by methods for systematic mapping. The analysis illustrates how the characteristics of the total corpus of 129 articles on data use in education vary across different contexts, countries and regions. In all contexts, the studies primarily investigate structures and systems around data use. While the Anglophone studies are mainly empirical and often concerned with implementation and effectiveness in terms of data use, the studies published in German and Scandinavian languages focus more heavily on discussions and analytical reflections upon the developments of data use in education. Six investigative modes of… Continue Reading