Eric.ed.gov – Web-based Instructional Modules Designed to Support Fundamental Math Concepts in Entry Level College Mathematics: Their Effects, Characteristics of Successful Learners, and Effective Learning Strategies.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The first goal of this study was to examine the impact of nine World Wide Web-based learning modules on learning as measured on both online module quizzes and in-class exams. The modules were designed to support fundamental concepts in entry-level college mathematics courses. The second and third goals of this study were to determine the learner characteristics and strategies that affect student performance on the nine Web-based learning modules. Data sources included: a demographic survey; nine Web-based instructional module quizzes; three in-class quizzes; three in-class, paper-based quiz surveys; an in-class final exam; an exit survey; and face-to-face interviews. Findings indicated that students who scored above 80% on the module quizzes also did better on in-class exams. Those who were self-motivated, focused, and self-disciplined had greater success in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Efficacy of an Intervention Synthesizing Scaffolding Designed to Promote Self-Regulation with an Early Mathematics Curriculum: Effects on Executive Function

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The authors’ goal is twofold. First, they wished to produce a theoretically-based approach to this synthesis. Child-centered programs have a long history. However, concerns about children’s achievement, and the pressure of content-specific standards, have set up a perceived conflict, in which educators believe they are being asked to abandon child-centered approaches, or, at least, to compromise and squeeze in, as one teacher put it, “Literacy on Monday-Wednesday-Friday, math on Tuesday-Thursday, and socio-emotional during our shortened play periods.” They hope that their approach, if shown to be efficacious, will serve as a model that others can use to successfully and synergistically combine these strategies so the whole is more than the sum of its integrated, not conflicting, parts. Second, and more importantly, they are producing a rigorous evaluation… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Continuing professional development designed as second-order action research: outcomes and lessons learned

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper reports the results from a second-order action research process, accompanying a continuing professional development (CPD), the Pedagogy and Subject Didactics Programme (PFL). PFL is a 2-year-postgraduate university course that focuses primarily on subject didactics, action research methods and peer group learning. This study accompanied PFL 2015–2017 with 20 graduates. The main objectives of the evaluation were to verify and maintain a good quality of the input and the possibility to bring this input into the daily work of teachers. Through the formative process orientation, we as program administrators were enabled to integrate many insights directly into the further development of the course. The described process shows how and to what extent PFL could be positively shaped… Continue Reading