tandfonline.com – Teachers’ Rights-Teaching Mentalities—What Teachers Do and Why

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Framed by a Foucauldian governmentality perspective, this article shows teachers’ different rights-teaching mentalities active in human rights education for children. The article draws on observation and interview data from fieldwork in three Year 1 classes in Swedish primary schools. In the holistic approach adopted, rights-learning is understood as learning about human rights as well as developing rights-conscious values and behaviours for human rights. This is enacted through human rights. Six rights-teaching mentalities were identified: Competent children learn rights from each other; Equal value in focus; Participation is a right; Respect is essential; Adult voices and interpretations are superior; and Competence and maturity determine access to rights. The analysis shows how the different rights-teaching mentalities support different forms of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Governing of the nation: Generation Pep as a biopolitical strategy

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article explores how the well-being of the Swedish population has become a joint responsibility in the mission to shape desirable and proper citizens. This is done by studying an organisation called Generation Pep (GEN-PEP), which was established as a measure to foster a well-functioning population both now and in the future. The article draws on a post-structural and discursive theorisation inspired by the work of Michel Foucault and his concept of governmentality, with the specific aims of studying how GEN-PEP functions as a biopolitical strategy aimed at fostering a desirable population and identifying governing techniques mobilised within and through the project. The population is described as having failed to function well and that this should be remedied… Continue Reading