tandfonline.com – The EcoScale as a framework for undergraduate green chemistry teaching and assessment

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT An upper-year undergraduate practical examination is presented that utilizes the EcoScale (a semi-quantitative tool) and several established mass metrics to assess student understanding of green chemistry principles. This activity focuses on the straightforward preparation of a benzodiazepine via three different catalytic methods, and the analysis of individual experimental data during laboratory time. Students learn about the structure of the EcoScale, apply it as a simplistic life cycle assessment, and critique it as a scientific model. The examination complements more traditional expository and self-design experiments within a synthetic course where green chemistry and sustainability are central themes. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Green Bean Has to Be Longer than Your Thumb: An Observational Study of Preschoolers’ Math and Science Experiences in a Garden

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: School gardening has become increasingly popular as a context for learning in which children construct new knowledge, learn cultural and societal values related to ecological awareness, and develop and practice authentic or real-world skills (Blair, 2009; Bowker & Tearle, 2007). The present research was a longitudinal case study of children’s gardening experiences at a Reggio-inspired preschool in the United States. Eleven children and their teacher were observed over nine days in various activities such as preparing the garden beds, planting, and harvesting. Through sustained participation in a variety of gardening activities, preschoolers engaged in science-rich dialogue utilizing complex and abstract science process skills such as observing, predicting, evaluating, and comparing. Discussion of number-related concepts, spatial orientation, and size estimation and comparison was also recurrent during gardening activities.… Continue Reading