Eric.ed.gov – Homeschool Progress Report 2009: Academic Achievement and Demographics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In 2007, the Home School Legal Defense Association commissioned Dr. Brian D. Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute to conduct a nationwide study of homeschooling in America. The study’s purpose was to develop a current picture of homeschool students and their families–capturing their demographics and educational background–and analyze the impact of certain variables on homeschoolers’ academic achievement. Dr. Ray collected data for the cross-sectional, descriptive study in spring 2008. The 11,739 participants came from all 50 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico. In the study, homeschoolers scored 34-39 percentile points higher than the norm on standardized achievement tests. The homeschool national average ranged from the 84th percentile for Language, Math, and Social Studies to the 89th percentile for Reading. The study also found that whether or… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Home-School Connections. Weaving Gender Equity into Math Reform.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This stand-alone workshop session explores the connections between home and school mathematics learning through the lens of equity. It is appropriate for use with teachers, staff developers, after-school program providers, and other educators who work with parents. All three session activities can be done, or the leader can opt to keep the session to one hour by doing the first activity, “Who Are the Parents and Caregivers?”, and then choosing either “Promoting Math Interactions at Home” or “Math Messages” and the videotape “What Are You Teaching My Child?” (Includes blackline masters, details of activities, and handouts.) (MM) Link til kilde