tandfonline.com – Education is my passport: experiences of institutional obstacles among immigrant youth in the Swedish upper secondary educational system

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In recent years, educational systems in Europe have experienced a rise in the number of immigrant youth. The experiences of immigrant youth facing the challenges of an unfamiliar educational system is of continuous relevance in youth studies. This article aims to explore the schooling experiences of 19 immigrant youth in Sweden, focusing on the institutional obstacles they encounter as students in the national educational system. It draws on semi-structured interviews with immigrant youth attending upper secondary school or preparing for it by taking transitional classes. Findings are that familiarity with the majority culture, how the educational system works and how to use the majority language for learning purposes in Sweden constitute crucial knowledge for progress in upper secondary… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “In this class we are so different that I can be myself!” Intercultural dialogue in a first grade upper secondary school in Norway

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Focus of this article is immigrant youth and Norwegians-born to immigrant parents in upper secondary school in Norway. The study was conducted in a first year of a general study class in upper secondary school, where 11 of 24 students were immigrants. Previous research on immigrants in school tends to show a picture of a marginalized group in Norwegian schools which is characterized by egalitarianism. The research question of the article is: What can we learn from students’ experiences with an inclusive class environment based on a case study? What contributes to their experience of a good class environment? Through observation of the class and interviews with students, we find that diversity is accepted. Pupils show mutual respect… Continue Reading