Eric.ed.gov – A Model for Cooperative Student Teaching Involving a Nearby Majority Black University and a Nearby Majority White University.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Major features of the cooperative student teaching model include 1) a pattern of student teaching assignments within the school system which would provide for proportional inclusion of prospective teachers–from the nearby majority black university and the nearby majority white university–to each school serving as a student teaching facility; 2) student teaching seminars participated in by both universities; 3) inclusion of intergroup relations content; 4) participation of supervising teachers, both black and white. Implementation involves planning and followup meetings with student teaching personnel of both universities and the school system. Student teachers and supervising teachers would be familiarized with the project at an orientation dinner meeting. A series of five seminars for student teachers (two all-day and three half-day) would focus on 1) Intergroup Relations in the Desegregated… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Expanding the notion of ‘ownership’ in participatory research involving teachers and researchers

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article provides a conceptual discussion of ‘ownership’ in various forms of participatory research. The discussion is grounded in our experiences from three research projects in science education. We seek to understand how and why ownership may be distributed between teachers and researchers at different stages in the research process. Looking at our projects in retrospect, we see that ownership was differently distributed at the initial stages. Then ownership distribution followed a similar pathway, as teachers gained ownership of implementation, whereas researchers reclaimed ownership of analyzing and disseminating the work. Our discussion departs from the idea that ownership relates to both ‘risks’ and ‘benefits’ as well as to both ‘rights’ and ‘obligations’. Thereby, we can make visible some… Continue Reading