tandfonline.com – Effective measures of tailored learning support for Engineering Work-Based Learners in HE: A Case study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Since 2004, Aston University has been delivering work-based learning (WBL) engineering degrees to key UK Energy sector employers, such as National Grid. National measures for widening participation in HE, such as the Degree Apprenticeship Levy, have led to significant changes in learning background diversity of WBL cohorts, consequently increasing student requirement for additional learning-support in HE Institutions (HEIs). To address these challenges, an intervention strategy was formulated in collaboration with Aston University’s Learning Development Centre. Our methodology gradually embedded a provision of tailored learning-support sessions/workshops in mathematics and effective communication skills within WBL curricula. Integrating this support has led to marked increases in student engagement,grade-attainment, and stakeholder satisfaction. This case study is pertinent to HE’s current STEM sector… Continue Reading