tandfonline.com – Teaching assistants and teachers providing instructional support for pupils with SEN: results from a video study in Swiss classrooms

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The reliance on teaching assistants (TAs) for inclusion is discussed in relation to the quality of instructional support. Swiss policy stipulates two distinct models for TAs working in mainstream classes: they can either be employed to work with a particular pupil with special educational needs (SEN) or be employed as a general aide to provide support for the whole class. This article describes a study investigating teachers’ and TAs’ interactions with pupils during individual seatwork based on observational video data and examining how these reflect the roles foreseen for TAs. The analysis is based on videos of 90 minutes in each of the 31 primary school classes with TA and teacher being present. Results of the video analysis of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The effect of emotional scaffolding on language achievement and willingness to communicate by providing recast

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: The effect of emotional scaffolding on language achievement and willingness to communicate by providing recast Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Fences and Families: A University Project Providing Rural Field Experiences for Pre-Service Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Rural schools are in a precarious time currently facing funding issues, decreasing resources, dwindling populations, and difficulties hiring candidates for existing vacancies. As a result, a Midwestern university’s College of Education sought to help alleviate some of those issues by exposing its pre-service teachers to the benefits of teaching in the college’s extensive rural footprint, while emphasizing a connection between school and community. Rural Arts Day (RAD) was designed to address the critical issues facing rural schools by making pre-service teachers more aware of what rural schools can offer, through an alternative field experience in a K-12 school building. With positive results, this pilot project has become the impetus for an ongoing program to be implemented on a regular basis at sites across the state. This university/school… Continue Reading