tandfonline.com – Assessing the Association Between Precourse Metrics of Student Preparation and Student Performance in Introductory Statistics: Results from Early Data on Simulation-Based Inference vs. Nonsimulation-Based Inference

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The recent simulation-based inference (SBI) movement in algebra-based introductory statistics courses (Stat 101) has provided preliminary evidence of improved student conceptual understanding and retention. However, little is known about whether these positive effects are preferentially distributed across types of students entering the course. We consider how two metrics of Stat 101 student preparation (precourse performance on concept inventory and math ACT score) may or may not be associated with end of course student performance on conceptual inventories. Students across all preparation levels tended to show improvement in Stat 101, but more improvement was observed across all student preparation levels in early versions of a SBI course. Furthermore, students’ gains tended to be similar regardless of whether students entered… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Tennis Anyone? Teaching Experimental Design by Designing and Executing a Tennis Ball Experiment

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Understanding the abstract principles of statistical experimental design can challenge undergraduate students, especially when learned in a lecture setting. This paper presents a concrete and easily replicated example of experimental design principles in action through a hands-on learning activity for students enrolled in an experimental design course. The activity, conducted during five 50-minute classes, requires the students to work as a team to design and execute a simple and safe factorial experiment, and collect and analyze the data. During three in-class design meetings, the students design and plan all aspects of the experiment, including choosing the response and explanatory variables, making a list of needed supplies, creating a randomization schedule with the Minitab DOE utility, and writing a statistical… Continue Reading