tandfonline.com – Using GitHub Classroom To Teach Statistics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Git and GitHub are common tools for keeping track of multiple versions of data analytic content, which allow for more than one person to simultaneously work on a project. GitHub Classroom aims to provide a way for students to work on and submit their assignments via Git and GitHub, giving teachers an opportunity to facilitate the integration of these version control tools into their undergraduate statistics courses. In the Fall 2017 semester, we implemented GitHub Classroom in two educational settings—an introductory computational statistics lab and a more advanced computational statistics course. We found many educational benefits of implementing GitHub Classroom, such as easily providing coding feedback during assignments and making students more confident in their ability to collaborate… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A Fresh Look at Introductory Data Science

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The proliferation of vast quantities of available datasets that are large and complex in nature has challenged universities to keep up with the demand for graduates trained in both the statistical and the computational set of skills required to effectively plan, acquire, manage, analyze, and communicate the findings of such data. To keep up with this demand, attracting students early on to data science as well as providing them a solid foray into the field becomes increasingly important. We present a case study of an introductory undergraduate course in data science that is designed to address these needs. Offered at Duke University, this course has no prerequisites and serves a wide audience of aspiring statistics and data science… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Role of Replication Research in Biostatistics Graduate Education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Replication and reproducibility are an important component of scientific research. One reason research is not replicable is the misuse of statistical techniques. Educators can teach the importance of research replication by having students perform a replication study as part of a graduate assistantship or their coursework. In this article, we describe the components of a replication study, the process of conducting a replication study, and how to use the replication process as a teaching tool. Two biostatistics PhD students performed four full replication studies as part of their Graduate Assistantship and another 22 students performed a partial replication as their final project for a biostatistics service course. Students were queried for their feedback about their learning during the… Continue Reading