tandfonline.com – Institutional entrepreneurs and socio-institutional changes in Medellín, Colombia

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT During a period of regional structural change, the socio-institutional structure and the techno-economic structure are temporarily decoupled due to the relative inertia of the former compared with the rapid changes in the latter. The lag in the coevolution of the socio-institutional and techno-economic structures generates inefficiencies and instabilities, causing transitional failure. In exploring the rationale for policy intervention, this paper examines the actors that aim to influence socio-institutional changes in Medellín, Colombia. It finds that the private sector, under the informal leadership of the Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño, has played the role of institutional entrepreneurs to influence socio-institutional changes. In regions located on the knowledge periphery, in which the socio-institutional structure has not yet fully coevolved with the novel… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The status of innovation in Saudi Universities

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In light of globalization and rapid economic changes, innovation became a necessity for all organizations. Innovation differs from one type of organization to another, and is considered more complex in the case of universities. This paper deals with innovation in Saudi universities, and searches to analyze its main features based on a number of pillars such as the quality of education, innovation in educational programs and teaching methods, innovation in applied research related to the industry, innovation in developing partnerships and networks, social innovation and innovation in achieving the university’s financial sustainability. Results show that despite the increasing development of higher education, the reality of innovation in Saudi universities does not match the potential of the country. In… Continue Reading