tandfonline.com – The use of ‘cultural capital’ in sociology of education in Sweden

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT We seek to consider the use of Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘cultural capital’ within Swedish sociology of education focusing on the adoption of the term and asking how the ‘cultural capital’ is related to the specific context in Sweden. Here we consider the historical context and disciplinary route through which the concept travelled. The Swedish educational system promoted the ideal of meritocracy: everyone had an equal chance to access education, which in turn should facilitate social mobility. Even if the economic barriers to accessing education had been removed and higher education was available, social equality had not been achieved. The concept of cultural capital allowed for precise analyses of social groups’ use of the education system. The studies were able… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Revisiting ‘curriculum crisis’ dialogue: in search of an antidote

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article builds upon the international dialogue around ‘curriculum crisis’ initiated by Michael Young in Journal of Curriculum Studies (JCS) in 2013 and followed up in JCS in 2015. It seeks to expand the dialogue in three avenues. First, when considered from a sociological perspective, Young is correct to declare ‘curriculum crisis’; however, his position is limited only to the conflict theory. Second, from educational perspectives, the curriculum crisis as such is self-inflicted and it has been more of a battle among different curriculum ideologies in the Anglo-Saxon world and resistance to Bildung-centred Didaktik tradition in the Western world more broadly. Third, it points to the fourth industrial revolution as an inevitable phase. It concludes that ‘curriculum crisis’… Continue Reading