Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Noticing Students’ Mathematical Strengths

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research about teacher noticing of students’ mathematical thinking has been an important and ongoing strand of research and practice in mathematics education. Our work extends this agenda by working collaboratively with teachers to learn together how to notice students’ mathematical strengths. The lens on strengths runs counter to the prevalent culture in U.S. schools to overemphasize gaps in students’ understandings. In this paper we describe a video club focused on identifying and naming students’ mathematical strengths and the protocols that support this focus. We illustrate and discuss the important shifts in teachers’ ways of noticing and talking about students’ mathematical activity. We also discuss implications for further research and professional development focused on teacher noticing of students’ math strengths. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Statistical Knowledge: A Snapshot of Strengths and Weaknesses

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Amid the implementation of new curriculum standard regarding statistics and new recommendations for preservice secondary mathematics teachers (PSMTs) to teach statistics, there is a need to examine the current state of PSMTs’ knowledge of the statistical content they will be expected to teach. This study reports on the statistical knowledge of 217 PSMTs from a purposeful sample of 18 universities across the United States. The results show that PSMTs may not have strong Common Statistical Knowledge that is needed to teach statistics to high school students. PSMTs’ strengths include identifying appropriate measures of center, while weaknesses involve issues with variability, sampling distributions, p-values, and confidence intervals. Link til kilde