Eric.ed.gov – Using Tech Prep Principles to Improve Teacher Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Four research and synthesis activities were undertaken: review of reforms in science, math, and English; survey of 12 secondary tech prep administrators; focus group of tech prep teachers; and survey of 156 tech prep stakeholders using concept mapping. Five themes for teacher education emerged: (1) teaching through application; (2) student-centered, inquiry-based instruction; (3) vocational-academic integration; (4) collaboration; and (5) real-world experience. (Author/SK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Rocketship Education: Pioneering Charter Network Innovates Again, Bringing Tech Closer to Teachers. An Opportunity Culture Case Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: When Rocketship Education, a pioneering, rapidly expanding charter school network, looked at its results, it could have rested on its laurels. With seven schools in California together ranking as the top public school system for low-income elementary students, Rocketship had proof that its blended-learning model–combining online learning with face-to-face instruction–works. But next year, Rocketship leaders will fix a disconnect they see between what happens in the online learning lab and the classroom, to give teachers more control over the students’ digital learning and further individualize the teaching. Instead of reporting to a separate computer lab, fourth- and fifth-graders will move within an open, flexible classroom between digital learning and in-person instruction, with those moves based on their individual needs and the roles that specific teachers are best… Continue Reading