tandfonline.com – A review on use of escape rooms in education – touching the void

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This review article focuses on use of an escape room as a didactic tool in teaching and learning, as identified in empirical studies that have examined the use of escape rooms in educational contexts. The review studied the methods used to study escape rooms, what the focus of attention was, what the reported use was, and implications this has for the use of escape rooms for teaching and learning. Our analysis showed that most studies are concerned with the implementation and use of an escape room in relation to four fields of attention; scenario, curriculum, 21st-century skills, and motivation. Overall, the reviewed articles indicate that more studies are needed on the use of escape rooms for educational purposes.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Too much, too little: preschool teachers’ perceptions of the boundaries of adequate touching

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In the present study we focus on physical touch that is judged to be just outside what is considered to be ‘normal’. We explore how preschool teachers describe and explain situations where educators give children too much or too little touching. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 30 qualified preschool teachers working in Swedish preschools. When the informants talk about situations where educators give children too much touching, the descriptions involve a behaviour that does not lie within the preschool mission, teachers who do not set boundaries, and actions that have disadvantages for the children. On the other hand, situations where educators give children too little touching are described solely with reference to the teacher and that person’s… Continue Reading