tandfonline.com – Data (Mis)representation and COVID-19: Leveraging Misleading Data Visualizations For Developing Statistical Literacy Across Grades 6–16

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The novel coronavirus has forced the world to interact with data visualizations in order to make decisions at the individual level that have, sometimes, grave consequences. As a result, the lack of statistical literacy among the general public, as well as organizations that have a responsibility to share accurate, clear, and timely information with the general public, has resulted in widespread (mis)representations and (mis)interpretations. In this article, we showcase examples of how data related to the COVID-19 pandemic has been (mis)represented in the media and by governmental agencies and discuss plausible reasons why it has been (mis)represented. We then build on these examples to draw connections to how they could be used to enhance statistics teaching and learning,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Markov Processes: Exploring the Use of Dynamic Visualizations to Enhance Student Understanding

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Finding ways to enhance introductory students’ understanding of probability ideas and theory is a goal of many first-year probability courses. In this article, we explore the potential of a prototype tool for Markov processes using dynamic visualizations to develop in students a deeper understanding of the equilibrium and hitting times distributions. From the literature and interviews with practitioners, we identified core probability concepts, problematic areas, and possible solutions from which we developed design principles for the tool and accompanying tasks. The tool and tasks were piloted on six introductory probability students using a two-person protocol. The main findings highlight that our tool and tasks seemed to assist students to engage with probability ideas, to develop some intuition for… Continue Reading