tandfonline.com – Looking back on compulsory school: narratives of young adults with ADHD in Sweden

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Relegated to the margins of the large body of research on ADHD and school is individuals’ own retrospective accounts of schooling. Drawing on multiple narrative interviews with nine young adults with ADHD in Sweden, the present study explores their experiences and reflections concerning their years in compulsory school. Despite variations in the gradient of decline, time in school was described as a slippery slope, with rapid deterioration in secondary school. Participation in sports and cultural activities outside school emerged as strong supportive factors. The expectations placed on the individual in the school context and relationships with teachers were described as key hurdles. In hindsight, school was perceived as a meaningless phase of their lives. The present findings nuance… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Prison Break. Education of young adults in closed prisons—building a bridge from prison to civil society?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Prison education is seen in both criminal and education policies as a way of assimilating inmates ‘back into society’. In spite of the policy emphasis on education, the practices in prison education vary from prison to prison. The stated aim of prison education in EU and in Finnish national level policies is to teach inmates the skills and knowledge that they can use in life after release and thus reduce recidivism. In this paper, we analyse policies and practices related to education programmes in closed prisons in Finland with discourses of employability and therapisation of education. International and national policy documents and ethnographic data and interviews with young people and teachers have been use as data sources. Our… Continue Reading