tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”:
This study examines the role of school food education and school food culture in England and their potential to support pupils’ capabilities to adopt health protecting and promoting behaviours. Drawing on Amartya Sen’s capability approach, and Susan Michie’s COM-B model, the research was conducted for the Food Education Learning Landscape project. Methods included national surveys of food teachers (N = 1503), senior school leaders and class teachers (N = 684), parents and carers (N = 573) and a mixed methods study of pupils in primary and secondary schools (N = 240). Findings indicate that adequate curriculum time, teaching facilities, budget, class size, subject status and teacher training are key factors for successful curriculum implementation. Monitoring and evaluation of school food provision and development of wider health supporting school food practices were found to be critical in supporting pupils’ health capabilities. The research insights can inform future policies and practices to support children’s potential to lead healthy, flourishing lives.