Eric.ed.gov – Designing Spaces for Creativity and Divergent Thinking: Pre-Service Teachers Creating Stop Motion Animation on Tablets

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In recent years, tablets have been shown to serve as incredible teaching tools in classrooms around the world. In mathematics education, divergent thinking, creativity, and play may play a key role in formation of adaptive thinking and math achievement. This qualitative, participatory action research investigated the use of an instructional model that provided minimal instruction in the use of tablets to create stop motion animation movies. This study focused on the themes and patterns that emerged as pre-service teachers integrate a design thinking philosophy as they explore creativity and divergent thinking through the creation of stop motion animation movies. This study employed a participatory action research design that examined the use of an instructional approach informed by design thinking that utilized tablets to enable preservice teachers to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Snacks: Using Animations and Games to Fill the Gaps in Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math Snacks animations and support materials were developed for use on the web and mobile technologies to teach ratio, proportion, scale factor, and number line concepts using a multi-modal approach. Included in Math Snacks are: Animations which promote the visualization of a concept image; written lessons which provide cognitive complexity for understanding; and active, situated learning activities to facilitate memorable experiences to deepen comprehension. This pilot study compared pre-post test gains for 460 sixth and seventh grade students enrolled in nine different classrooms. In five of the nine classrooms, teachers utilized the “Teacher Guide: that corresponded with the five Math Snacks animations and one game and in four classrooms teachers used the same Math Snacks animations and one game, but were free to develop their own lessons… Continue Reading