tandfonline.com – Towards the Co-evolution of Food Experience Search Spaces Based on the Design Weltanschauung Model in Food Marketing

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Contemporary socio-technological shifts within global societies indicate that the preferences and values of a converging, well-informed and digitally connected society have shifted towards a movement based on sustainability and healthy and environmentally friendly common values. The effect of artificial intelligence has changed the nature of marketing and communication between firms and markets. Food marketers need to adjust to this new situation and integrate proven interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks, as these approaches can be aligned to address this situation. Due to the limitations of traditional-marketing-theory, the field has not captured this gap by addressing emerging trends effectively. We address these new developments by introducing the design of the Weltanschauung model, which is based on marketing within the dimensions of designing… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Is the mathematics classroom a suitable learning space for making workplace mathematics visible? – An analysis of a subject integrated team-teaching approach applied in different learning spaces

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of a team-teaching approach, applied in two learning spaces: a regular mathematics classroom; and a hairdressing salon at an upper secondary vocational education and training (VET) school. A mathematics teacher and a VET teacher jointly developed, planned and carried out the teaching activities in these two learning spaces. The overall goal was to prepare their 15 students for professional life. Observations made from the two lessons were analysed with the aim of identifying the extent to which the outcome of the team-teaching approach is dependent on the choice of the learning space. Drawing on Engeström’s activity theory and research literature on learning spaces, our results indicate that tools, norms, division of labour and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Stories from the field: locating and cultivating computational thinking in spaces of learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT There is considerable debate and ambiguity around what constitutes “computational thinking” (CT). In contrast to Computer Science which is generally treated as a distinct field of study, CT as a construct highlights the integral relationship between computing and other fields. Many recent efforts seek to map computational thinking by making high-level connections to other school disciplines. We argue that while these efforts may help identify specific curricular areas in which computing is likely to take place, they do not sufficiently capture the specificity and dynamism that is characteristic of meaningful computational integration. Worse, they exclude generative examples of computing integration that exist outside of the traditional STEM context or researcher-led efforts. In this special issue, we offer a… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – On W-contractions of Jungck-Ćirić-Wardowski-type in metric spaces

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract In this article, we establish some new results on Jungck-Ćirić-Wardowski type mappings in complete metric spaces. Using our new approach, the conditions (W2) and (W3) of Wardowski do not apply for the proof of Cauchyness of the Picard-Jungck sequence. Our results generalize, improve and complement several results in the existing literature. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – In support of sustainable densification in urban planning: a proposed framework for utilising CCTV for propagation of human energy from movement within urban spaces

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Co-generation of energy derived from human movement is not new. Intentionally accumulating energy, from mass urban-mobility, provides opportunities to re-purpose power. However, when mass-mobility is predictable, yet not harnessed, this highlights critical gaps in application of interdisciplinary knowledge. This research highlights a novel application of geostatistical modelling for the built environment with the purpose of understanding where energy harvesting infrastructure should be located. The work presented argues that advanced Geostatistical methods can be implemented as an appropriate method to predict probability distribution, density, clustering of populations and mass-population mobility patterns from large-scale online distributed and heterogeneous data sets published by the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network. Where clear urban spatio-behavioural relationships of density and movement can be predicted… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring Links between Foundation Phase Teachers’ Content Knowledge and Their Example Spaces

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper explores two foundation phase teachers’ example spaces (a space in the mind where examples exist) when teaching number-related topics in relation to snapshots of their content knowledge (CK). Data was collected during a pilot primary maths for teaching course that included assessments of teacher content knowledge (CK). An analysis of a content-knowledge focused pre-test developed for the larger study indicated a relatively high score for one teacher and a low score for the other. Using Rowland’s (2008) framework, an analysis of classroom practice showed associations between a higher CK and the extent of a teacher’s example space and more coherent connections between different representational forms. Although no hard claims or generalisations of the link between teachers’ example spaces and their level of mathematics content knowledge… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Designing Spaces for Creativity and Divergent Thinking: Pre-Service Teachers Creating Stop Motion Animation on Tablets

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In recent years, tablets have been shown to serve as incredible teaching tools in classrooms around the world. In mathematics education, divergent thinking, creativity, and play may play a key role in formation of adaptive thinking and math achievement. This qualitative, participatory action research investigated the use of an instructional model that provided minimal instruction in the use of tablets to create stop motion animation movies. This study focused on the themes and patterns that emerged as pre-service teachers integrate a design thinking philosophy as they explore creativity and divergent thinking through the creation of stop motion animation movies. This study employed a participatory action research design that examined the use of an instructional approach informed by design thinking that utilized tablets to enable preservice teachers to… Continue Reading