Eric.ed.gov – Natural Math: A Progress Report on Implementation of a Family Involvement Project for Early Childhood Mathematics among Children of the Oklahoma Seminole Head Start and Boley Head Start.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Natural Math project was undertaken to encourage parents of Native American and Black preschool and kindergarten children to engage in math activities and games at home. Natural Math also attempted to integrate Seminole culture into math materials. The project originally included only Seminole preschool and kindergarten children. Later, Boley school, located in a rural Black community, petitioned for inclusion. Natural Math activities included: (1) the provision of start-up supplies and other materials to the children and their families; (2) an initial meeting to explain the project and the proper use of the materials; (3) a portable computer lab; (4) a math fair; and (5) the distribution of materials for the summer. After their participation in the project, former Head Start children were tested for verbal, math,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Student Approaches Resulting from Integration of Cultural Context into Transformation Geometry Activities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to investigate how students’ in senior grade of the high school participate in and interpret the transformational geometry activities integrated with cultural context. 5 students in senior grade participated in this study, all of whom live in Aydin district of Turkey. The main design of the study is qualitative. Participant students of the study involved in 9 different rotational geometry and culture integrated activities, 7 of which were performed as student activity sheets, 2 of which were performed as cultural games. 2 of the activities were constructed as a result of pilot study applied to 28 senior students by their math teacher. To collect data about how students participated in and made interpretations about the activities; various data collection tools such… Continue Reading