Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of Pre-Remedial Instruction on Low Achievers’ Math Skills and Classroom Participation.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of tutoring low achievers on the concepts of carrying and borrowing before they were introduced in the classroom. Twelve low-achieving second-grade students were tutored on these concepts. The tutored children, along with members of two control groups, participated in a pretest covering these ideas. After the two-week tutoring period, members of all three groups participated in a mock classroom. The pre-remediated children performed significantly better than control group members on both types of problems (p less than .01), as well as in classroom participation (p less than .05). (Author/SD) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Application of Videodisc Technology to the Diagnosis of Math Skills.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Briefly presented are the rationale and procedures used to develop and validate an interactive videodisc program to assist in diagnosing difficulties in mathematics in grades 1-3. The mathematics assessment program is described as 408 criterion-referenced items divided into seven strands. Questions are administered until a student makes three consecutive errors; then the student is branched to the next section in a strand. At the teacher’s option, the test can be administered in either English or Spanish. Information is also included on equipment configurations possible among videodisc players, microcomputers, touch screens, and printers, and disc capacity is noted. Finally, comments on formative evaluation needs are given. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Generalizing Expert Misconception Diagnoses through Common Wrong Answer Embedding

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Misconceptions have been an important area of study in STEM education towards improving our understanding of learners’ construction of knowledge. The advent of largescale tutoring systems has given rise to an abundance of data in the form of learner question-answer logs in which signatures of misconceptions can be mined. In this work, we explore the extent to which collected expert misconception diagnoses can be generalized to held-out questions to add misconception semantics. We attempt this generalization by way of a question-answer neural embedding trained on chronological sequences of learner answers. As part of our study, we collect natural language misconception diagnoses from math educators for a sampling of student answers to questions within four topics on Khan Academy. Drawing inspiration from machine translation, we use a multinomial… Continue Reading