Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of Pre-Remedial Instruction on Low Achievers’ Math Skills and Classroom Participation.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of tutoring low achievers on the concepts of carrying and borrowing before they were introduced in the classroom. Twelve low-achieving second-grade students were tutored on these concepts. The tutored children, along with members of two control groups, participated in a pretest covering these ideas. After the two-week tutoring period, members of all three groups participated in a mock classroom. The pre-remediated children performed significantly better than control group members on both types of problems (p less than .01), as well as in classroom participation (p less than .05). (Author/SD) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – A Study of Gifted High, Moderate, and Low Achievers in Their Personal Characteristics and Attitudes toward School and Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examines the problem of underachievement among gifted high school students. Low achievers were compared to high and moderate achievers on their motivation, self-regulation, and attitudes toward their school and teachers. Participants were all highly able students from grades 10 and 11 in an academically selective gifted high school in Australia (n=197). Teachers were asked to rank the students into high, moderate, and low achievers in terms of their performance in two subjects English and Mathematics. Participants were asked to respond to two surveys that measured their personality characteristics. The results indicate that math achievement and not language achievement may be used with confidence to classify gifted students; high achiever had higher mean scores than moderate and low achievers on all study variables; intrinsic motivation then… Continue Reading